Thursday, June 30, 2011

Apple pancakes

Yeah, yeah, a lot of pancakes. Whatever, I'm sick and I need comfort food, and the apples around here are turning into wizened, nasty shells of their former glory, so I gotta do what I can.

NOTE: This was supposed to be posted like two months ago and I just got the pics off my phone. Apples are no longer ubiquitous around here; at least, not if you don't want to pay about $5 for a single apple.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Starbucks Matcha Latte

I've been avoiding this all year as I cultivated my taste for matcha tea; the other night, I finally tried it. And it's delicious.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Eggy cornflour pancakes

I am so bored of pancakes, but when I'm low on groceries, it tends to be my breakfast default. Today, I decided to use up the rest of my corn flour and get rid of some eggs that are making a desperate zerg rush to the end of the mortal coil.

The result? Some extremely yellow pancakes. They're sweet, light, and taste just a little bit eggy!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Delicious sweet potato snack, I love thee and thy gluten-free status!

In other news, my dinner the other night. Egg and asparagus (fried in butter, yum), with Kyarameru Sunakku on the side. It's actually gluten-free; the little puffs are made from corn flour, and they're addictively delicious.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Quick dinner

Take: three green pepper, one package of conbini cheese and salami. Hollow out the green peppers, and stuff them with the meat and cheese. Wrap in tinfoil and pop into the toaster oven for about 8 minutes. Remove and enjoy dinner.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Excellent Chinese restaurant near Yagoto Nisseki station. They provide a list of allergens in each dish right on the menu, the food is excellent and varied, and I would definitely go there again.