Monday, September 13, 2010

I have committed a Cooking Sin...

...I baked first and now I just want to eat that. And not make dinner. Even though dinner is going to be delicious, I can't stop eating it.

"It" being a not-particularly-photogenic banana bread.

Told you.

Recipe follows...

3 bananas (220mL when smashed)
80mL olive oil
200mL sugar
2 tsp vanilla
1 egg

380mL GF flour. (Here: 200mL Bob's All-Purpose, 100mL tapioca starch, 80mL corn flour)
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

Chocolate "chips". (I smashed a Meiji bar. Recommended: real chocolate chips.)

Mash the bananas, then add the oil, sugar, vanilla, and egg.

Mix in the flours, cinnamon, salt, and baking powder.
Fold in chocolate chips.
Pour into a greased square baking pan.

Turn the toaster oven on to 150 degrees (Celsius).
Cover the baking pan with tinfoil and bake for 25 minutes. Then peel off the cover and bake for another 15. Watch like a hawk. Turn the pan midway through the uncovered part if you want it more uniformly brown than the unphotogenic example. Test with toothpick/chopstick/whatever. Don't bake it before dinner.

The small print: loosely based on this recipe. Which is probably also great, but I have a toaster oven and no xanthan gum or egg replacer.


  1. Man, do I ever need an adjustable toaster oven. That is going on my Christmas wish list :P
