Saturday, February 26, 2011

Cinnamon apple bread

So I bought apples the other day and they've pretty much been diving off the mortal coil, so I needed something to do with them. Unfortunately for me, this recipe only takes 1 apple, but I'm sure you can adjust the ingredients up and down to suit your appley needs.

-cinnamon, to taste
-nutmeg, to taste
-three heaping spoonfuls of brown sugar
-roughly 7 ounces of baking powder
-dash of salt
-2/3 cup of rice flour
-1/2 cup sorghum flour
-1 heaping spoonful corn flour
-2 eggs
-3 tbsp vegetable oil
-soy milk to make the batter mixable
- 1 apple, cored and coarsely chopped.

Mix all the dry ingredients together in one bowl, make sure there are no lumps. In a bigger bowl, mix together the eggs and veggie oil. Add the dry mix to the wet and stir it in, bit by bit. Use the soy milk when the batter gets too dry to absorb more of the dry mix. Chop the apple up and add it to the mix; stir thoroughly- the batter should be very dry, but wet enough to have been mixed.

Pop the whole shebang into the rice cooker and press "cook rice". Once it's done, test it with a toothpick - for mine, I turned it over and put it on another "cook rice" cyle, since the top wasn't quite cooked enough.

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