Thursday, June 30, 2011

Apple pancakes

Yeah, yeah, a lot of pancakes. Whatever, I'm sick and I need comfort food, and the apples around here are turning into wizened, nasty shells of their former glory, so I gotta do what I can.

NOTE: This was supposed to be posted like two months ago and I just got the pics off my phone. Apples are no longer ubiquitous around here; at least, not if you don't want to pay about $5 for a single apple.


1 apple, thinly sliced
1/2 cup rice flour
1 cup sorghum flour
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 tsp baking soda
1 egg
enough soy milk to make it batter-y

Slice the apples and put them aside. Take another bowl and mix together the dry stuff. Then take another bowl and mix together the wet stuff, sans soy milk. Mix the wet into the dry, then add soy milk until you achieve the desired consistency. Then dump the apples in and mix it good. Ladle into the heated pan, making sure the apples spread evenly.

It was a little difficult to get them to cook all the way through at some points because I'm lazy and chopped the apples too thick due to hunger, but in the end, the apples are soft, the pancakes are puffy, and it's just an excellent experience all around. I would probably try to add cinnamon in to it next time to give the pancakes a bit more of a zing.

You can't really see the apples, but they were there. And they were delicious.

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