Thursday, November 25, 2010

Advanced Baked Apple!

Use exactly this kind of apple or your recipe will taste horrible and you will fail as a cook, for serious :|

Or rather, my attempt at making a sort of applesauce in my rice-cooker. It turned out a little less saucy and a little more stew-y, but it was delish nonetheless. This is for all you people who can't eat raw food and/or are on a liquid diet (like myself right now).

-Apples, 2 of 'em. Or more, but my rice cooker is completely tiny, so it can only hold 2.
-One spoonful of brown sugar (optional)
-A bit of butter (optional)
-About 1/4 cup of water
-Cinnamon, to taste

So, basically, wash your apples, then core them and chop 'em up all weenie and small-like. I don't peel mine, cause the peel adds extra flavour and is super-healthy for you, and also peeling apples takes waaaay too much time to bother with it.

Like so.
Dump some cinnamon and sugar on that pile, then pop the whole thing into the rice cooker and press "cook rice". Wait 'til the thing beeps, then stir it about with a wooden spoon (so you don't scratch the cooker) and add the butter. Basically, keep it on "keep warm" until the apples are suitably mushy to your taste, then eat it hot.

Post "cook rice", before I mushed it around with the wooden spoon.
Anyway, it's super delish, and takes like, five minutes to prep and then about 20 minutes to cook. Not bad.

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