Friday, October 22, 2010


In my classy faux-tupperware, no less

One of my favourite summer foods of all time when I was a child was birchirmuesli - it's pronounced "beer-cher-moozly" ("ch" as in "Bach"). I don't even really know what language that is off the the top of my head, but the word's pretty much synonymous with "delicious". The best thing about birchirmuesli, though, is that, in addition to being super-healthy and tasty is that it's quite easy to make!


- 2 cups of plain yogurt
- 2 tsp orange juice
- 1 tbsp sugar
- assorted fresh and dried fruit
- oatmeal (or corn flakes, which is what I used)

First, mix the first three ingredients together until blended. Then, chop your fruit into the mix. I used fresh banana, dried apricot, and raisins. For max deliciousness, I recommend: bananas, apple chunks, grape halves, raisins, dried apricot, and coarsely chopped walnuts.

After this, add your oatmeal or corn flakes. Be careful with cornflakes; they get soggy quick, so you'll have to eat it right afterwards.

The recipe's super-flexible, so have fun with it! This makes a perfect breakfast, light lunch, or dinner food, packed with nutrition and yumminess!

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