Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Alright, for those of you who can't cheat wordless and read the Japanese, you're looking at: curry ramune, eggplant ramune, onion ramune, and tako-yaki ramune. No, I am not making that up.


  1. Hey you! <3 Dad gave me the link to your blog. Define: ramune... Because none of those look remotely like curry :o

  2. Ramune is a soft drink that comes in a special bottle with a marble in it. You have to push the lid down onto the marble to open them... hard to describe and hard to do. I let Ariel do it and she got tako-yaki ramune all over the floor. XD
    The regular flavour is hard to describe... sort of like a cream soda with a sweet lime flavour to it. It's really good!

  3. Onion flavoured pop... hm... haha!
