Monday, October 4, 2010

Buckwheat Sweet Potato Bread

Sweet potatoes are cheap this time of year! Make the most of it with this delicious and hearty bread, taken from this recipe on Gluten-Free Mommy. I obviously had to make some changes, not having xanthan gum, half the flours, or even nutmeg - which I should invest in, seeing as how it's a very autumnal spice and I'm sure I'll be wanting it for other things.

- 1/2 cup buckwheat
-1/4 cup mochi rice flour
-1/2 cup tapioca starch
-1/2 cup brown sugar (+ 2 tbsp white sugar cause I ran out of brown)
-10 g (2 tsp) baking powder
- 2.5 tsp cinnamon
- 2 small sweet potatoes (peeled and boiled)
-1 large egg (beaten)
- 1/2 cup orange juice
-1 tbsp + 1 tsp vegetable oil

Mix the dry ingredients (buckwheat to cinnamon) together in a bowl. In a separate bowl, combine the wet ingredients and stir well. Stir the wet in to the dry ingredients, little by little, until the whole thing is mixed together. Scrape the dough into the rice cooker bowl, and push the button for "cook rice".

After the first cycle was done, it was still pretty doughy - I'm wondering if maybe I used too much liquid, even though I pretty much halved it from the original recipe. I put it in for a second cycle, then let it sit on "warm" for about eight more minutes before taking it out. Let it cool for about 15 minutes, then dig in!

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