Monday, October 25, 2010

Men's Pudding

This is a new item in my 100-yen Lawson's. Looks dynamic, eh? I was curious, and picked it up to investigate further (checking, as always, for the kanji for wheat)...

I spotted the web address, and it all became clear: black packaging? Dynamic design? This of course, is MEN'S PUDDING. Because men need to be MANLY when they eat their pudding.

Of course this meant I had to buy it (also it was gf, so hey!)

Upon investigation at home, it tastes very much like regular custard. I have not undergone any magical, hilarious transformation to the opposite gender, nor have I spontaneously developed a rockin' handlebar mustache and sideburns, so I must conclude this experiment a failure. Japan, you disappoint me so.

It was pretty tasty, though. Can't argue with that.


  1. Hahaha! I have a hard time picturing you with a handlebar mustache and sideburns :P But if they do sprout up over the next few days, pictures are required!!!

  2. But of course! Sadly, I am still awaiting their advent :P
